Subsidy Scheme for Beauty Parlours, Massage Establishments and Party Rooms 2022 opens for applications


     The online application system ( of the Subsidy Scheme for Beauty Parlours, Massage Establishments and Party Rooms 2022 launched by the Government under the fifth round of the Anti-epidemic Fund commences operation at 9am today (February 7). The deadline for application is 11.59pm on February 20 (Sunday).
     Beauty parlours, massage establishments and party rooms (including local pleasure vessels let for hire or reward) that have suspended operations since January 7 pursuant to the closure order issued by the Government under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F) will be eligible for the Scheme. The Scheme is also applicable to beauty parlours, massage establishments and party rooms operated by social enterprises (SEs).
Information and enquiries
     Details of the eligibility criteria, the terms and conditions of the applications and Frequently Asked Questions of the Scheme are available at the application website. Applicants are advised to read this important information before submitting applications. A dedicated telephone hotline (Tel: 1836 188) and an email address ( have been set up to handle enquiries on the details of the Scheme. As for enquiries regarding the details of the subsidy for pleasure vessels under the Scheme, owners of pleasure vessels may contact the Marine Department (Tel: 2852 4931). SEs may contact the Hong Kong Council of Social Service (Tel: 2864 2993).

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