Sturgeon still ‘bending the rules’ with latest indyref2 stunt

19 Dec 2019

Nicola Sturgeon is still trying to “bend the rules” by forcing through a second referendum on Scottish independence, the Scottish Conservatives have said.

The First Minister announced today that she would formally request the powers to hold a divisive re-run at a time of the SNP’s choosing.

She also admitted after the announcement that, even if she were to lose a second referendum, she would then pursue another one after that.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“Nicola Sturgeon hasn’t said anything new here, and the fundamentals remain the same.

“Scotland voted No in 2014, and both sides agreed that would be a once-in-a-generation decision come what may.

“Ever since then Nicola Sturgeon has tried to bend the rules, and this latest stunt is another example of that.

“Now, more than ever, Scotland needs a government that cares about public services, jobs and the economy.

“Instead, it’s got an SNP First Minister who’s only serious about breaking up the country.

“Nicola Sturgeon has made it clear again if she doesn’t win indyref2, it’ll be straight onto indyref3 and indyref4.

“She wants to trap Scotland in a neverendum when most people simply want to move on.”