Sturgeon-Corbyn “stitch up” confirmed


8 Dec 2019

The Scottish Conservatives have warned that a SNP-Labour deal only requires “dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s” after Labour shadow minister Paul Sweeny confirmed today that an agreement was on the cards.

Quizzed on Sunday Politics Scotland, Mr Swinney agreed that a arrangement between a minority Labour administration and the SNP after Thursday’s election, involving a second independence referendum, was a “possibility”

Following him, SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford said he spoke regularly to Jeremy Corbyn and that he expected the Labour leader to support the SNP’s demand for a second referendum next year.

Mr Carlaw also described as “arrogant” Nicola Sturgeon’s suggestion today that she may go on for five more years as First Minister.

Scottish Conservative leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“Paul Sweeney has set it out in black and white. A Labour – SNP pact is being drawn up; it’s just a matter of dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s. This is what could happen by Friday if Sturgeon and Corbyn succeed.”

“It means our Union is on the line this week. Ian Blackford said today that he and Jeremy Corbyn speak regularly, and he doesn’t expect Corbyn to oppose the Nationalists. So pro-UK voters in Scotland face the very real risk of an Indyref2 pact being stitched up by the end of this week.”

“Pro-UK voters in Scotland must act on Thursday to stop this happening. And it is only by voting Scottish Conservative and Unionist that we can do that.”

He added:

“Nicola Sturgeon now appears to think she can go on and on and on. How utterly arrogant. The Scots I speak to don’t want her in charge of the Scottish Government for five more weeks, never mind five more years.”

“Nicola Sturgeon is planning for more chaos and division come Friday. Instead let’s send her a clear message: say no to Indyref2, and get back to what matters.”

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