Sturgeon again pledges to prop up Corbyn government

2 Jun 2017

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Nicola Sturgeon has again promised to help Jeremy Corbyn form a government – this time by saying she’ll support the Labour leader on an “issue by issue” basis.

It’s the latest indication from both Labour and the SNP that they are plotting a post-election alliance.

The First Minister appeared on Radio 4’s Today programme, where she admitted the SNP wanted to form a “progressive alternative” with Labour.

If follows admissions from Labour sources that they wanted to “cut a deal” with parties like the SNP after next week’s vote.

The Scottish Conservatives warned Labour that the nationalists’ first demand would be a second independence referendum, something Jeremy Corbyn has said he’s “absolutely fine” with.

Scottish Conservative candidate for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk, John Lamont, said:

“Nicola Sturgeon made it clear today that she’d be happy to form an alliance with Jeremy Corbyn next Friday.

“Top of her shopping list would be a second referendum.

“And given Mr Corbyn has said he’s ‘absolutely fine’ with this, there is a real risk of them dragging Scotland back to yet more division.

“As today’s poll reveals, Labour is too weak to take on the SNP right across Scotland.

“That means there is only one way to stop Nicola Sturgeon in her tracks next week and that is by voting for Ruth Davidson and the Scottish Conservatives.

“We are on the up, we have what it takes to beat the SNP and we can send Nicola Sturgeon a message she can’t ignore.

“It’s quite clear after today: a vote for Labour risks a second referendum. A vote for the Scottish Conservative can stop it.”

For more on the story, visit:

Labour sources said the party wants to “cut a deal” with the SNP on June 9:

And the first item on Nicola Sturgeon’s shopping list would be a second referendum: