Stopping the small boats


Yesterday the Prime Minister committed himself and the government to ending illegal migration across the Channel, announcing a series of administrative measures and proposing a stronger law in January.

Knowing the importance of this issue to many readers I reproduce below a summary of the government’s proposals in their words for your information and comments.

  • Over 40,000 people have illegally crossed the Channel in small boats this year, putting pressure on local public services. Many originate from safe countries and travel through safe countries. That is unfair on those who come here legally, unfair on those who have a genuine asylum claim – and unfair on the British people who play by the rules
  • The Prime Minister has prioritised this issue since he took office: he has delivered the largest ever small boats deal with France which increases UK-funded patrols by 40 per cent, re-established the Calais Group of Northern European nations to disrupt traffickers, and set a long-term ambition for a UK-EU wide agreement on migration.
  • But we need to go much further. Today, the Prime Minister and Home Secretary are setting out five new steps:
    • A new agreement with Albania so that the vast majority of Albanian claimants can be removed – with weekly flights until all Albanians in our backlog are sent home.
    • A new, permanent, unified Small Boats Operational Command in the channel with 700 new staff
    • Tougher immigration enforcement with 200 new staff and better data sharing with banks
    • Cheaper accommodation sites so we can move migrants out of expensive hotels
    • Clear the initial asylum backlog by 2023 by doubling the number of caseworkers and radically streamlining the process
  • However, we will go further still to solve this problem once and for all: early next year we will introduce new legislation to make it clear that if you enter the UK illegally you should not be able to remain – but should be swiftly detained and removed.
  • By taking these steps, we will be tough but fair, tackle illegal migration – and stop the boats.

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