Stewart Carmichael exhibition – talk and tour

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

On Saturday 5th August at 2pm, I will be giving an illustrated talk and guided tour to accompany the exhibition Stewart Carmichael: Celtic Visions in the Lamb Gallery at the University of Dundee. 

The exhibition marks 150 years since the birth of one of Dundee’s most significant artists, Stewart Carmichael (1867-1950).    For six decades, he was one of the leading figures of Dundee’s cultural scene, a constant champion for the role of art and culture in society. 

The talk will take place in the D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre on the ground floor of the University Tower Building, and will be followed by an informal tour of the exhibition. 

Attendance is free and there is no need to book. 

The event has been organised in collaboration with the Scottish Society for Art History.