Statistics on innovation activities for 2022


     According to the statistics on Hong Kong innovation activities released today (December 21) by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD), the gross domestic expenditure on research and development (GERD) of Hong Kong in 2022 amounted to $30,138 million, representing an increase of 8% when compared with the corresponding figure of 2021 ($27,827 million). The GERD as a ratio to the Gross Domestic Product in 2022 was 1.07%. Analysed by performing sector, the expenditure on research and development (R&D) activities performed in the business, higher education and government sectors amounted to $12,371 million, $16,356 million and $1,412 million respectively in 2022.

     R&D activities refer to creative and systematic work undertaken so as to increase the stock of knowledge for devising new and improved products/processes/applications and to improve the existing products/processes/applications.

     More detailed statistics on Hong Kong innovation activities, together with the concepts and methodology, are given in the report "Hong Kong Innovation Activities Statistics 2022". Users can browse and download this report at the website of the C&SD ( The report presents the latest statistics on R&D activities in Hong Kong, with analyses on R&D activities performed in the business, higher education and government sectors. It also contains detailed statistics on innovation activities (including product and business process innovations) in the business sector.

     Enquiries about the statistics on Hong Kong innovation activities can be directed to the Science and Technology Statistics Section of the C&SD (Tel: 3903 7290 or email:

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