Station by the Sea at Oku-Noto Triennale 2023 – Residence and Exhibition Programme showcased in Suzu, Japan (with photos)

     The Station by the Sea at Oku-Noto Triennale 2023 – Residence and Exhibition Programme is presented by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department and organised by the Art Promotion Office, in collaboration with the Oku-Noto Triennale Executive Committee. Through an open call for proposals and two rounds of adjudication, Hong Kong artist Anthony Ko was selected as an artist-in-residence, and to originate an exhibition at the former Ukai Station in the city of Suzu on the Noto Peninsula in Japan.
     The Ukai Station, located along the Noto railway, has seen a decline in visitors since the line was closed in 2005. In the age of abundant travel information, the meaning of travel is often simplified as mere "check-in" activities, and the cultural stories behind attractions are often overlooked. Ko seeks to rediscover the forgotten meaning of travel via an exhibition themed "Land of Unknowing Sceneries", and hopes to reinterpret the story of Ukai Station through his art installations, enabling audiences to pick up the original intention of travel again, and discover the unknown beauty of Suzu from a new perspective.
     The exhibition "Land of Unknowing Sceneries" consists of two sets of artworks. "The Long-awaited Boredom" combines the artist's exploratory perspective with collaborative creations with local residents. Using ready-made objects, the artwork features various figurines mimicking the faces and states of passengers, transforming the waiting room into an extraordinary space. "Secret Express" is a small bridge connecting the two platforms in the former Ukai Station. It incorporates an infinite mirror reflection effect, piecing together hidden realms discovered by Ko during his journey, and offering a glimpse into a new world, like looking through a kaleidoscope.
     The "Oku-Noto Triennale", held at the northernmost tip of the Noto Peninsula in Japan, is renowned as the art festival at the furthest reaches of the country's seascape. In connection to the Oku-Noto Triennale 2023, the exhibition "Land of Unknowing Sceneries" is open until November 12 at 18 Horyumachi Ukai, Suzu-shi, Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, 927-1222. For project details, please visit the website of the Art Promotion Office at and follow the project’s page on Facebook, Instagram, or call 2512 3000.

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