Statement on the clashes in Tripoli, Libya


The fighting in Tripoli on recent days has broken a hard-wrought ceasefire that had been in place since March. The renewed violence puts at risk the promising start to a dialogue aimed at fostering reconciliation in Libya. 

We expect the  warring factions to restore the ceasefire. There is no military solution to Libya’s political crisis. 

The EU calls on Libya’s political leaders from all sides to come together to resolve the conflict through negotiation and compromise, in a Libya-led process under the aegis of the UN.

The people of Libya desire peace and are hoping for the chance to rebuild their lives in a stable, secure and prosperous country.  The EU, working together in the Libya Quartet with the African Union, the League of Arab States and the UN, continues to support this. 

For further information: Catherine Ray 0032498969921

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