Statement by the Spokesperson on the situation in Guinea Bissau

The enduring political crisis in Guinea Bissau is threatening the stability and the development of the country and has wider regional implications.  The Economic Community Of West African States (ECOWAS) and United Nations engagement and ongoing mediation efforts have been critical to promote a political solution.

The latest ECOWAS Ministerial Mission to Bissau on 25 April reaffirmed the Conakry Accord as the only basis for a peaceful, consensual and inclusive solution. The EU fully supports the Conakry Accord and agrees that it must be implemented without further delay. 

It is important that all political actors in the country now engage to meet the ECOWAS timeline of 30 days, as set in the statement following the April ECOWAS Ministerial Mission. In this respect, individuals impeding the implementation of the Conakry Accord need to be held responsible.

Since 2014 the EU has actively supported the ECOWAS Mission in Guinea Bissau (ECOMIB), which is now in the process to progressively withdraw from the country.  The EU expects the defence and security forces not to intervene in the political crisis.  It is crucial that all stakeholders show restraint in public declarations and avoid any action out of the Constitutional order and Rule of Law.