Statement by the Spokesperson on the Parliamentary elections in The Gambia


On 6 April, the people of The Gambia elected their representatives to the National Assembly in the first elections after the peaceful change of leadership in January. For the first time, the EU deployed a fully-fledged European Union Election Observation Mission (EOM) to the Gambia, headed by Chief Observer MEP Miroslav Poche.

In its preliminary statement, issued today, the EOM concluded that the elections were conducted in a peaceful atmosphere, commending the electoral authorities for delivering a well-administered process. Furthermore, the EOM highlighted that, during a free and open campaign, the electorate had been offered a wide variety of views, well covered by the media. 

The EU observers will remain in the country until completion of the electoral process and will issue a final report with recommendations which could assist in further strengthening the Gambian electoral framework.

The election results give a strong mandate to President Barrow and his government to pursue his reform agenda of fostering democracy, peace, reconciliation, the respect of human rights and the rule of law.

The EU stands ready to enhance the bilateral relations with The Gambia, in this new chapter.

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