Statement by President Jean-Claude Juncker at the joint press conference in the White House Rose Garden with Donald Trump, President of the United States



Mister President,

Ladies and gentlemen,

When I was invited by the President to the White House, I had one intention: I had the intention to make a deal today. And we made a deal today. We have identified a number of areas on which to work together.

Work towards zero tariffs on industrial goods – that was my main intention – to propose to come down to zero tariffs on industrial goods.

We have decided to strengthen our cooperation on energy. The European Union will build more terminals to import liquefied natural gas from the U.S. This is also a message for others.

We agreed to establish a dialogue on standards.

As far as agriculture is concerned, the European Union can import more soybeans from the U.S. and it will be done.

And we also agreed to work together on the reform of the WTO.

This of course is based on the understanding that, as long as we are negotiating, unless one party would stop the negotiations, we hold off further tariffs and we reassess existing tariffs on steel and aluminium.

This was a good, a constructive meeting.

Thank you, Donald.