Statement by Chairman of The Legislative Council Commission


The following is issued on behalf of the Legislative Council Secretariat:

     The Chairman of The Legislative Council (LegCo) Commission (The Commission), Mr Andrew Leung, today (May 18) issued the following statement through the LegCo Secretariat:
     I note with much regret that chaos erupted at the meeting of the LegCo House Committee held today for the election of its Chairman, during which some Members, for several times, rushed towards the Secretariat staff who were discharging duties and the confrontations resulted in the injury of security staff. Since the Secretariat staff were obstructed in the discharge of their duties and sustained injuries as a result, the Secretariat has reported the case to the Police in accordance with the mechanism endorsed by The Commission.
     I notice that recently there have been serious and unfounded accusations made by some Members against the Secretariat in the performance of its duties, which are grossly unjust and unfair to the Secretariat. The Secretariat has all along been upholding the principle of political neutrality, providing professional administrative support and services to the Council in an impartial manner, and facilitating the efficient and smooth conduct of LegCo meetings.
     Political neutrality is the Secretariat's core value and guiding principle. I have no doubt that staff of the Secretariat will continue to serve the LegCo professionally. I also call on Members to demonstrate mutual respect by expressing their views in a lawful and reasonable manner.

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