Star Parents Programme 2018-19 raises anti-drug awareness of parents (with photos)

     The closing ceremony of the Star Parents Programme 2018-19, jointly organised by the Narcotics Division (ND) of the Security Bureau, the Action Committee Against Narcotics (ACAN) and Radio Television Hong Kong's Radio 5 (RTHK-5), was held today (January 30). A series of anti-drug preventive education activities were organised under the Programme in the past year, with a view to enhancing parents' understanding and awareness of the drug problem as well as strengthening their ability and skills in identifying and handling drug abuse.

     The former Chairman of the ACAN Sub-committee on Preventive Education and Publicity, Dr Tik Chi-yuen, officiated at the ceremony. He shared advice with over 100 parents and students on nurturing good parent-child relationships. He said that family education helped strengthen children's resilience against adversity, which was crucial to preventing them from trying drugs. Dr Tik also encouraged parents to make good use of the anti-drug knowledge and communication skills acquired in the Programme. If they found that their children might be troubled by drug problems, they would know how to seek help early, he said.

     Also officiating at the ceremony, the Commissioner for Narcotics, Ms Manda Chan, said that the recent legalisation of recreational cannabis in some overseas jurisdictions might mislead young people into believing that cannabis is harmless. Stressing that cannabis is a dangerous drug which is addictive and would cause serious harm to health, she said that any offer to try it should be refused. When facing questions or needing help, relevant information or suitable referral would be provided by professional social workers through the ND's 24-hour hotline 186 186, or messaging 98 186 186 at WhatsApp or WeChat.

     Three parent-child activities on anti-drug themes were launched under the Programme in the past year with some 100 parents and secondary school students participating, which included experts speaking on topics related to drugs and family relationships. The Programme also invited all primary and secondary school students in Hong Kong to join a short essay writing competition with "family stories" as the main theme. Award-winning students and their parents were invited to share writing tips and heartening stories on RTHK-5's radio programme "Stand by Me". In addition, RTHK-5 produced a 26-episode radio programme to promote anti-drug messages through interviewing representatives from anti-drug organisations and rehabilitated drug abusers.

     At the closing ceremony today, the ND also announced the award winners of the "Participate in Sports, Stay Away from Drugs" Programme in the 2017/18 school year. HKUGA College won the Best Project of the Year Award. The Outstanding Awards winners were Pentecostal Lam Hon Kwong School, HKFYG Lee Shau Kee College, Buddhist Wong Fung Ling College, SKH Tang Shiu Kin Secondary School and Bethel High School. The Chairman of the Assessment Panel for Outstanding Projects of the "Participate in Sports, Stay Away from Drugs" Programme in the 2017/18 school year, Dr Tik, and member of the Assessment Panel cum Chairperson of the Hong Kong Schools Sports Federation, Mrs Stella Lau, presented prizes to the winners.

     The "Participate in Sports, Stay Away from Drugs" Programme is funded by the Beat Drugs Fund and encourages secondary school students to establish healthy lifestyles and stay away from drugs by participating in the organisation of sports-related and/or health-related activities, and by supporting student athletes taking part in sports competitions.

     Other officiating guests at today's closing ceremony included the Head of RTHK-5, Mr Chan Hei, Deputy Head of RTHK-5, Mr Sunny Li, and artistes James Ng, Jinny Ng and Tang Siu-hau. For details of the Programme, please visit the designated webpage.

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