Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service: Report on Grade Structure Review for the Disciplined Services Grades

The following is issued on behalf of the Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service:
     The Standing Committee on Disciplined Services Salaries and Conditions of Service (the Standing Committee) today (June 23) submitted its report on the Grade Structure Review (GSR) for the Disciplined Services Grades to the Chief Executive (CE). 
     At the invitation of the Government, the Standing Committee has conducted a Grade Structure Review for the disciplined services grades. Separately, the Standing Committee on Directorate Salaries and Conditions of Service (the Directorate Committee) has completed a review on the appropriate pay scale and ranking for each of the Heads of Disciplined Services. The report sets out the Standing Committee's key findings, considerations and recommendations. The Directorate Committee's findings and recommendations related to the pay scale and ranking for the Heads of Disciplined Services have been incorporated into this Report.  
     "The GSR for the disciplined services grades involves some 63 000 disciplined services staff members in 29 grades and over 100 ranks. During the GSR, we have looked into the uniqueness and characteristics of each of the disciplined services, with particular regard to the major changes and challenges in the nature of their responsibilities and the operating environment in the past decade, as well as the general trend of recruitment, retention, career progression, staff management and morale situation. We have made our best judgement after taking into account all relevant information and considerations. We have also worked closely with the Directorate Committee in relation to the review on the appropriate pay scale and ranking for the Heads of Disciplined Services," the Chairman of the Standing Committee, Dr Chui Hong-sheung, said.   
     The Standing Committee focused its attention on the pay scale and structure of each of the grades and ranks in the disciplined services. Balancing the host of applicable factors (in particular the uniqueness and characteristics of the disciplined services, the major changes and challenges in the nature of their responsibilities and the operating environment, and the general trend of recruitment and retention) in a holistic fashion, the Standing Committee has made a package of recommendations on pay scales and increments. The Standing Committee has also looked into the conditions of service and manpower structure of the disciplined services departments/agencies. A summary of the key recommendations and observations is at the Annex. 
     "In line with our terms of reference, we have provided opportunities for the management and staff to express their views, whether in writing or during meeting sessions," Dr Chui said. In the course of conducting the review, besides inviting the management and staff sides of the disciplined services to make submissions, the Standing Committee organised 19 visits to the seven disciplined services departments/agencies and held a series of meetings with the management members as well as staff sides. The Standing Committee has considered all submissions received and views expressed in their entirety. 
     "We trust that our recommendations, if implemented, will render the remuneration packages of the disciplined services commensurate with the present-day demand on them as well as the complexities and hardship inherent in their work, and will enable the disciplined services to attract, retain and motivate talents of a suitable calibre. The whole community will benefit from the long-term, healthy development of the disciplined services," Dr Chui added. 
     "The Standing Committee would like to express our heartfelt appreciation to all disciplined services staff for their commitment, dedication, and contribution to maintaining the safety, security and stability of Hong Kong in the time of severe challenges," Dr Chui said.

     The report on the GSR for the Disciplined Services Grades has been uploaded to the website of the Joint Secretariat for the Advisory Bodies on Civil Service and Judicial Salaries and Conditions of Service at
     The Standing Committee advises the CE on matters related to the salaries and conditions of service of the disciplined services except for the Heads of Disciplined Services. The Standing Committee is chaired by Dr Chui Hong-sheung, with Ms Margaret Cheng Wai-ching as Chairman of its Police Sub-Committee, Mr Wilfred Wong Kam-pui as Chairman of its General Disciplined Services Sub-Committee, Mr Victor Lam Hoi-cheung as Chairman of its ICAC Sub-Committee, and Mr Mac Chan Ho-ting, Mrs Edith Chan Ngan Man-ling, Ms Dilys Chau Suet-fung, Ms Ivy Cheung Wing-han, Professor Chong Tai-leung, Ms Quince Chong Wai-yan, Ms Melissa Kaye Pang, Mr Philip Tsai Wing-chung and Mr Tony Tse Wai-chuen as members.
     The Directorate Committee advises the CE on matters affecting the pay and conditions of service of the Directorate of the general civil service (excluding the Judiciary and directorate officers below Heads of Disciplined Services). The Directorate Committee is presently chaired by Mrs Ann Kung Yeung Yun-chi. Its members are Professor Karen Chan Ka-yin, Ms Margaret Cheng Wai-ching, Mr Nelson Lam Chi-yuen, Mr Kevin Lam Sze-cay and Ms Zabrina Lau Shing-yan.