SQAP audit on opposition decisions

Nineteen users representing eleven user associations are meeting at the EUIPO’s premises.


EUIPO is pleased to welcome on 2-4 October the eighth audit on the quality of EUIPO opposition decisions in the context of the Stakeholder Quality Assurance Panels (SQAP) Project.

Nineteen users representing eleven user associations are meeting at the EUIPO’s premises to check a sample of decisions against our quality criteria.

The audit participants and their respective user associations are:

The SQAP project was launched by the EUIPO in 2017, aiming to integrate the user’s perspective into the quality management system and to narrow the gap between the users’ perception of quality and the quality measured by the Office.

In SQAP, users contribute directly to improve the quality of the Office decisions.

The EUIPO would like to thank the users and user associations for taking part in this initiative.