Sports Premises Subsidy Scheme to open for applications on January 14

     A fresh round of the Sports Premises Subsidy Scheme launched under the Anti-epidemic Fund will open for applications on January 14. The Scheme aims to provide a one-off subsidy of $100,000 to each sports premises with a view to easing their cash flow pressure and alleviating their financial burden arising from their closure starting from December 10, 2020, as directed under the Prevention and Control of Disease (Requirements and Directions) (Business and Premises) Regulation (Cap. 599F).
     The deadline for applications is February 17. Applications will be processed during the application period and will be assessed on the basis of all the information provided. To avoid delays in processing, applicants should ensure the accuracy of the information submitted.
     The Home Affairs Bureau (HAB) has commissioned the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China to assist in the implementation of the Scheme. For enquiries concerning the Scheme and the application procedure, please call 2504 8440 or send an email to The application form and guidelines can be downloaded from the website of the HAB (
     According to the Regulation and the application guidelines of the Scheme, eligible sports premises must possess a fixed address and an individually-operated premises in Hong Kong where its principal and substantive business is to provide indoor or outdoor sporting activities as promoted by the respective national sports associations or sports organisations recognised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department.