Speech by SLW at Launch Ceremony of Hong Kong Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project Phase 2 (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, at the Launch Ceremony of Hong Kong Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project Phase 2 today (May 7):
Dr Eric Li (Steward of the Hong Kong Jockey Club), Professor William Hayward (Dean of Social Sciences, the University of Hong Kong), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good morning everyone. May I begin by saying how pleased I am to join all of you today for the launching ceremony of Phase 2 of the Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project.
     Phase 1 of this most meaningful project began three years back in 2016. Since then, Jockey Club End of Life Community Care has benefited many elderly and patients suffering from terminal illness, by providing them with a comprehensive range of life caring services including medical, emotional and psychological support. Aside from such much-needed services, this project has effectively raised public awareness on the need for end-of-life care. Meanwhile, the project has taught and inspired most on how best to approach life's end with positive perspectives.
     It is thus gratifying to know that the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust has committed to support this project for another three years, until 2021. Their continued support could definitely enable service providers to enhance their services, thereby providing even more caring services for more of those in need.  
     On this note, let me wish the second phase of the End-of-Life Community Care Project every success. I must once again thank the Hong Kong Jockey Club and all the service providers for their contributions and hard work in providing our "last milers" with love and care as they soldier on with dignity.
     Thank you very much.