Speech by SCST at opening ceremony of Fashion Challenges Forum of Fashion Asia Hong Kong 2023 (English only)

     â€‹Following is the speech by the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, at the opening ceremony of the Fashion Challenges Forum of Fashion Asia Hong Kong 2023 today (November 28):
     Eric (Chairman of the Hong Kong Design Centre, Professor Eric Yim), Victor (Chairman of the Fashion Asia Steering Committee, Dr Victor Lo), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good morning. It is my great pleasure to be here at the opening of the Fashion Challenges Forum of Fashion Asia Hong Kong 2023.
     May I also welcome all the pioneers and leaders in the fashion and luxury sectors from around the world.
     The Fashion Challenges Forum is a platform for local and international audiences to learn about the latest trends and explore new perspectives to cope with the challenges of the ever-changing fashion industry. This year, over 20 speakers will participate in the forum to share their expertise and insights on a series of topics. 
     To capitalise on our unique advantage as a creative capital in Asia, the "10 Asian Designers to Watch" exhibition, which is another important showcase of Fashion Asia Hong Kong 2023, is hosted concurrently at the Arts Pavilion of the West Kowloon Cultural District. The exhibition will display the cutting-edge designs and collections of the up-and-coming designers in Asia. 
     As announced in the Policy Address, we will organise the Hong Kong Fashion Design Week from 2024 onwards. This flagship initiative will feature various local prominent fashion events in order to promote the Hong Kong's fashion and textile design brands, as well as promoting Hong Kong as a prime destination for hosting major cultural and creative events. We look forward to joining hands with our local and international fashion design industry to make this initiative a success.
     Last but not least, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Hong Kong Design Centre for organising the forum and all the speakers for their generous sharing.
     I wish Fashion Asia Hong Kong 2023 every success. Thank you.