Speech by SCST at inauguration of Lo Kwee Seong Pavilion and Harold and Christina Lee Gallery of Art Museum, Chinese University of Hong Kong and opening of “Transcending Transience: Art and Culture of Late Ming Jiangnan” exhibition


     Following is the speech by the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Miss Rosanna Law, at the inauguration of the Lo Kwee Seong Pavilion and the Harold and Christina Lee Gallery of Art Museum, the Chinese University of Hong Kong and opening of "Transcending Transience: Art and Culture of Late Ming Jiangnan" exhibition today (March 21):
Vice-Chancellor and President of the CUHK (Chinese University of Hong Kong), Professor Dennis Lo, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good afternoon. It is both a privilege and an honour for me to officiate at the inauguration ceremony of the Lo Kwee Seong Pavilion of the Art Museum of my alma mater. When I studied at the CUHK, I remembered that the Museum was a relatively small gallery entered through a beautiful courtyard with a pond and many koi fish in the centre of the campus. The phenomenal growth and expansion of the university's Art Museum mirrors the extraordinary development of our city's vibrant art scene.
     It is wonderful indeed to see many friends in the media with us today. Media attention has often centred on large cultural institutions, but boutique museums such as the CUHK Art Museum have also contributed significantly to the local art ecosystem by offering unique and thematic exhibitions and facilitating dialogues with museum professionals worldwide. On that note, I would like to acknowledge that the CUHK Art Museum will serve as a strategic partner for the Museum Summit to be held next week. I look forward to more fruitful and inspirational discussions on the development of museums at the upcoming Summit.
     For the benefit of our media here, I should also say a few words in Cantonese. So here it goes:
     åœ¨åœ‹å®¶ã€Šå��四五è¦�劃綱è¦�》的明確支æŒ�下,政府致力發展香港æˆ�為中外文化è—�術交æµ�中心。政府會在資æº�情æ³�許å�¯ä¹‹ä¸‹æŒ�續改善文化設施,為舉辦多元化的文化è—�術活動æ��供支æŒ�。舉例而言,æ�±ä¹�文化中心é �計將於今年內全é�¢å•“用,為市民和業界æ��供一個全新的表演場地。å�Œæ¨£åœ°ï¼Œæˆ‘相信日益完善的中大文物館亦將æˆ�為香港的ç�¨ç‰¹é­…力所在,å�¸å¼•æ›´å¤šé¦™æ¸¯å¸‚民和訪港旅客å�ƒè§€ï¼Œç‚ºå¤§å®¶æ��供富有特色的文化è—�術體驗。
     I hope that any students here – not only current students but also overseas exchange students and prospective college students – will cherish all the wonderful exhibitions and cultural artifacts that this Museum has to offer. I look forward to working more closely with the CUHK community to cultivate our art hub. I wish the CUHK Art Museum a bright future and the "Transcending Transience: Art and Culture of Late Ming Jiangnan" exhibition a resounding success. Thank you.

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