Speech by PSCS at Education & Careers Expo 2021 (English only)

     Following is the speech by the Permanent Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, at the opening ceremony of the Education & Careers Expo 2021 organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) today (July 15):
Margaret (Executive Director of the HKTDC, Ms Margaret Fong), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good morning. It is my great pleasure to join you for the opening ceremony of this year's Education & Careers Expo.
     Organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, the Education & Careers Expo is a signature event allowing government departments, private enterprises and educational institutions to meet prospective employees and students. Every year, several hundred institutions from different sectors participate in this large event, forming an ideal platform for students and job seekers to get well prepared for furthering their studies and advancing their career prospects. I wish to congratulate the HKTDC for entering the 30th edition of the Education & Careers Expo this year.
     The labour market has been facing immense pressure since last year as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. While we do see good signs of recovery on the horizon, the year 2021 continues to be a challenging year for most industries. In the face of the economic downturn as a result of the pandemic, the Government is resolved to create job opportunities to alleviate the hardship of the public. In 2020-21, apart from recruiting staff to fill more than 11 000 civil service job openings that span across bureaux and departments, we are also committed to the creation of around 60 000 time-limited job openings under the two phases of the Job Creation Scheme. Non-government sector employers are provided subsidies to pay for the salaries of their employees taking up posts under this Scheme. The Government itself has also taken the lead to create temporary jobs in bureaux and departments.    

     As the largest employer in Hong Kong currently with around 178 000 staff, the Government continues to offer a wide range of job opportunities for young people. No matter what career you would like to pursue, there is a place for you in the civil service to realise your potential and aspirations. The civil service pay policy aims to offer sufficient remuneration to attract, retain and motivate staff of suitable calibre to provide the public with an effective and efficient service so civil servants who dedicate themselves to serving the community will be fairly remunerated. We also emphasise continuous learning so that civil servants would be able to anticipate changes and sustain Hong Kong's competitiveness. The Civil Service College that we will establish by the end of this year is a major investment in civil service training to enhance the capacity of the civil service as a forward-looking, visionary and innovative workforce. Contrary to popular belief, I promise you that a career in the civil service is anything but boring.
     In recent years, Hong Kong has faced unprecedented circumstances that have posed great challenges to the implementation of "one country, two systems". It is of utmost importance that we build a civil service that would uphold the HKSAR's constitutional order and contribute to the steadfast and successful implementation of "one country, two systems". We welcome every talent who is willing to uphold the Basic Law, bear allegiance to the HKSAR of the People's Republic of China, dedicated to their duties and responsible to the HKSAR Government to join us in serving Hong Kong, the place we call home.
     As the nation grows from strength to strength, Hong Kong will certainly have a bright future in the months and years to come. My gratitude goes to the HKTDC for its incessant efforts in creating opportunities for Hong Kong companies and promoting trade in goods and services benefiting the entire economy. I wish this year's Education & Careers Expo every success and all participants a rewarding experience at this exhibition. Also, taking this opportunity, I sincerely appeal to everyone to get vaccinated as soon as possible to protect yourselves, your family and friends, and to help Hong Kong navigate out of the pandemic.
     Thank you.