Speech by CS at Opening Ceremony of CLP Power Engineering Laboratory (English only)


     Following is the video speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, at the Opening Ceremony of CLP Power Engineering Laboratory this afternoon (April 1):
Tony (Chairman of the Vocational Training Council, Mr Tony Tai), William (Chairman of CLP Power Hong Kong Limited, Mr William Mocatta), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,
     Good afternoon. It is my great pleasure to join you all to celebrate the official opening of the CLP Power Engineering Laboratory at the IVE (Haking Wong) Annex Building today.
     This new laboratory marks the wider co-operation of the Vocational Training Council (VTC) and CLP Power Hong Kong in cultivating new talents through the integration of smart technologies and collaborative research to support the development of the power engineering industry in Hong Kong and beyond.
     The Hong Kong SAR Government has accorded top priority to building a greener and livable low-carbon city in response to global climate change. Reducing carbon emissions is our primary goal. Indeed, Hong Kong is going further in deep decarbonisation, and we will strive to achieve carbon neutrality before 2050. To this end, the Government will update "Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan" to set out more proactive strategies and measures to reduce carbon emissions.
     Electricity is our daily necessity, and forms an integral part of our low-carbon initiative and climate action plan. As the world is evolving towards greener and smarter living, cleaner power supply and smarter power grids have become more important and popular.  The Government is committed to promoting smart energy systems and energy conservation for our sustainable development.
     Green infrastructures with smart power supply are key to Hong Kong's gradual transformation into a world-class smart city. Smart grids which integrate information and communication technologies with the power generation and distribution network can help enhance energy efficiency, reliability and safety. As many new infrastructural projects are under construction, Hong Kong needs more new power engineering talents to help take forward the smart energy initiatives.
     On this note, let me express my sincere gratitude to the VTC and CLP for grooming skilled professionals for the smart development of the power engineering industry and society. This is a shining example of the collective efforts of academia and the industry.
     Furnished with equipment and systems of industry standard, the new laboratory provides an excellent environment for students to develop solid applied skills and embark on a career in power engineering. The Smart Grid Operation Centre of the lab is one of the first few institutional facilities in Hong Kong that are equipped with an advanced real-time digital simulator. The High-Voltage Training Centre is the only training site in Hong Kong to offer EMSD (Electrical and Mechanical Services Department)-accredited high-voltage training programmes to the public. Students can learn the latest power engineering technologies in a more immersive and interactive environment.
     I have no doubt that this new facility will provide students with an enriched learning experience and prepare them to embrace the digital future. I look forward to welcoming more young professionals to the industry to contribute to the betterment of Hong Kong. Together, we can build a brighter and greener future. Thank you.

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