Speech by CS at Forum on Education for the Visually Impaired with Multi-Disabilities (with photos/video)


     Following is the speech by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, at the Forum on Education for the Visually Impaired with Multi-Disabilities organised by Ebenezer New Hope School today (May 21):
     Allow me to say a few words in English as some non-local speakers are amongst the audience. Today's education forum offers a timely opportunity for our education experts to explore how we can better support students with visual impairment to overcome their disability, unleash their potential in full and contribute to the society. My heartfelt congratulation also goes to the Ebenezer School and Home for the Visually Impaired on its 120th anniversary.
     The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government is committed to enhancing the quality of education, especially for visually impaired students. In the 2018-19 financial year, the estimated recurrent expenditure on special education amounts to $2.7 billion. The Education Bureau has also increased provision for nursing support and other specialist staff to schools for children with visual impairment. We have also improved teacher-to-class ratio and manpower provision of school social workers for schools. An extra grant is also provided to strengthen IT staff support to promote e-learning.
     In recent years, Ebenezer has extended its service to the Mainland. It has formed sister schools with education institutions in Nanjing, Ningbo, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and has also provided in-service training for pre-school teachers on the Mainland. I encourage Ebenezer to develop partnership and closer collaboration with our Mainland counterparts, so as to continue to benefit more visually impaired students in the regions.
     On this encouraging and grateful note, I would like to thank Ebenezer again for its sterling contribution, unstinting co-operation and caring dedication over the past 120 years in nurturing generations of visually impaired talents for the continuous development of Hong Kong, and wish all participants a rewarding forum today. Thank you.

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