Speech by Commissioner of Police at Force Remembrance Day (with photos)


     Following is the speech delivered by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Lo Wai-chung, at the Force Remembrance Day today (November 2):

     Colleagues and guests, we are here today to honour all members of the Hong Kong Police Force, both regular and auxiliary, who have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the community of Hong Kong. This solemn ceremony is also a fitting tribute to the dedication to duty and fortitude of all members of staff who have served in the Force over the past 174 years.

     Since the founding of the Hong Kong Police Force in 1844, members of the Force have been facing different dangers in the course of our duties. Without fear, we have always put the people of Hong Kong first in our determination to ensure the safety and stability of this city. We are deeply grieved by the death of Senior Police Constable Lum Hoi-wan of Traffic Kowloon West in the course of duty in March this year. This tragedy once again reflects police work is filled with dangers and uncertainties. We are gathered here in remembrance today in order to mourn our comrades who have paid the ultimate price to safeguard Hong Kong.

     In this ceremony, we are also joined by members of the Hong Kong Police Old Comrades Association, the Royal Hong Kong Police Association and former Force members. Like the many who came before them, they represent the finest traditions of service to the community for which the Force is both famed and justifiably proud – traditions, which continue today and are passed on from generation to generation and that make the Hong Kong Police Force one of the finest law enforcement agencies in the world.

     To all of you present here today, may I ask you to remain standing, and following the "Last Post", join me in observing a two-minute silence in memory of all those who have fallen in the line of duty.

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