Speech by CE at Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Pearl Jubilee Gala Dinner (English only) (with photos/video)


     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mr John Lee, at the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine Pearl Jubilee Gala Dinner today (December 8):

Honourable Vice-Minister Yu Xuejun (Vice-Minister of the National Health Commission), Professor Gilberto Leung (President of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine), Dr Chow Yu-fat (Chairman of the 30th Anniversary Celebration Organising Committee), distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

     Good evening. I am pleased to join you all this evening, in celebrating the pearl jubilee of the Hong Kong Academy of Medicine.

     Over the years, Hong Kong has established a robust healthcare system that is both credible and efficient. We are among the places with the longest life expectancy in the world.

     At last count, we have over 19 000 registered doctors and dentists in Hong Kong, and over 8 500 of them, or 44 per cent, are specialists.

     From combatting the epidemic and other diseases, to promoting the general health of our people, Hong Kong's doctors and dentists are the gatekeepers of our community. You protect the health of everyone living in Hong Kong, our home. Ladies and gentlemen, please join me in giving a big round of applause to our medical professionals!

     Medical practitioners are guardians of our health. It is important that they keep abreast of the latest developments in medicine.

     The Hong Kong Academy of Medicine, in the past three decades, has been playing a leading role in upholding the professional competence of our doctors and dentists. Through specialist training curriculum and CPD programmes, the Academy facilitates our practitioners' delivery of the best care possible for patients. 

     On this occasion, I would like to extend my gratitude to the Academy, for your support over the years. From manpower planning and training of specialists, to uplifting the overall professional qualities of our healthcare services, your contribution is essential to the success of our healthcare system.

     Under the auspices of the "one country, two systems" principle, Hong Kong is the only city in the world that enjoys both the China advantage and the global advantage. Hong Kong boasts five universities in the world's top 100. Our two medical schools are among the top three in Asia, and in the world's top 40.

     Alongside our distinguished medical research and education institutions, we have a large pool of multilingual, efficient and dedicated medical professionals. 

     We are uniquely positioned to access international expertise, capital and markets, like no other cities or economies. The National 14th Five-Year Plan supports Hong Kong's development into an international I&T centre. For the local healthcare sector, this presents an unprecedented opportunity. Now more than ever, we must seize the opportunity to make our mark as a leading health and medical innovation hub in the region.

     That is also why I announced in my second Policy Address that we are working to establish a Hong Kong-based drug approval authority. To do that, we need more global medical enterprises to come and invest in Hong Kong. Our multi-talented, multilingual medical and healthcare professionals – Hong Kong's golden brand of professionals – would naturally make a good appeal to these enterprises.

     I have full confidence that the Academy of Medicine, with 30 years of experience and expertise in training our world-class professionals, will continue to contribute in shaping our brand within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, on the Mainland and around the globe.

     Indeed, the setting up of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Medical Specialist Training Centre, through the Academy's collaboration with Mainland health authorities, helps to nurture medical talent in Shenzhen, the Greater Bay Area and the entire country.

     Ladies and gentlemen, as Hippocrates has said, and I quote, "Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also a love of humanity". Hong Kong is proud to have a world-class medical sector. We will do all we can to support your important work in safeguarding the health of our community.

     My warmest congratulations again on the Academy's pearl jubilee. I wish you all an enjoyable evening, and a healthy year ahead. Thank you.

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