Speech by CE at HK Fire Services Department 150th anniversary grand parade (with photos/video)


     Following is the speech by the Chief Executive, Mrs Carrie Lam, at the Hong Kong Fire Services Department 150th anniversary grand parade held at the Fire and Ambulance Services Academy today (May 9):

     It is a great pleasure to be here, an honour to serve as Reviewing Officer for the Hong Kong Fire Services Department's 150th anniversary grand parade.

     I was pleased to be here just over two years ago at the formal opening of the Fire and Ambulance Services Academy, another milestone in the long, proud history of the Department, which began life as the Hong Kong Fire Brigade on this very day in 1868. From a brigade of some 100 personnel to today's elite force of more than 10 000 professionals is a compelling statement of the Fire Services Department and its unwavering vision – that has always been to serve Hong Kong, to make our city, our community, a safe place in which to live and work.

     In pursuit of that goal, the Department has over the years established a number of specialist teams. They work to enhance operational safety and efficiency, while promoting fire safety and ensuring quality ambulance services. Those efforts received a rousing boost with the opening of this state-of-the-art Academy, with its specialised training facilities and more than 500 residential training places. The Academy, I should add, welcomes our Mainland and overseas counterparts for fire and ambulance training. Here, they can also exchange professional views and insight on different areas, from firefighting and safety to rescue and paramedic ambulance services. Apart from enhancing professional standards, the Academy's work will help strengthen the ties between Hong Kong and other places. I encourage the Academy to continue its efforts.

     The 150th anniversary of the Fire Services Department features a year-long parade of special events – for the public as well as industry professionals. That includes the three-day Fire Asia Conference, right here at the Academy. The Conference has attracted fire brigades and industry experts from all over the world. For our guests from overseas, I wish you all the best of business at the conference and a very memorable stay in Hong Kong.

     Once again, let me say how grateful I am to the Hong Kong Fire Services Department, proudly serving Hong Kong now for 150 years. Thank you very much.

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