Special traffic arrangements during Mid-Autumn Festival

     Police will implement special traffic arrangements in various districts to facilitate the celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Causeway Bay

     Hing Fat Street Public Car Park, except for disabled parking spaces, will be suspended from 3pm on September 21 to 2am the following day.

Beach areas

A. Repulse Bay

I. Road closure and traffic diversions

     Depending on crowd and traffic conditions, the following traffic arrangements may be implemented from September 21 to 22:

– Public light buses cannot enter Beach Road from Repulse Bay Road;
– South Bay Road south of South Bay Paths will be closed if the car parks are full, except for residents’ vehicles and public transports;
– Traffic along eastbound Repulse Bay Road cannot make a U-turn at its junction with South Bay Road;
– Vehicles will be banned from waiting along Repulse Bay Road outside the car park if it is full; and
– When the car parks on South Bay Road are full, traffic on Beach Road will be diverted to northbound South Bay Road to leave the area, except for residents’ vehicles.

II. Suspension of parking spaces

     The following parking spaces will be suspended from 4pm on September 21 to 6am the following day:

– All metered and motorcycle parking spaces on Island Road, except disabled parking spaces; and
– All metered and motorcycle parking spaces on Beach Road.

B. Shek O

     Fifteen parking spaces in Shek O Beach Public Car Park will be suspended from 2pm on September 21 to 3am on September 23.

     Depending on crowd and traffic conditions, the following road closure may be implemented from September 21 to 22:
– Shek O Headland Road will be closed, except for public services and residents’ vehicles;
– Vehicles will be banned from waiting outside the car parks at Big Wave Bay and Shek O once they are full; and
– Big Wave Bay Road will be closed, except for vehicles with Closed Road Permit.

C. Stanley

     Depending on crowd and traffic conditions, the following road closure may be implemented from September 21 to 22:

– Stanley Beach Road will be closed if the car parks are full, except for residents’ vehicles and public transports; and
– Wong Ma Kok Path will be closed if the public parking spaces are full, except for residents’ vehicles.

Tsuen Wan

     Tai Mo Shan Road east of its junction with Route Twisk will be closed from 5pm to 3am the following day daily from September 21 to 22, except for residents’ vehicles.

     The car park of Tai Mo Shan Country Park will be suspended from 5pm to 3am the following day daily from September 21 to 22.

Ma On Shan

     Depending on crowd and traffic conditions, the following roads may be closed from 4.30pm to 3am the following day daily from September 20 to 22:

– Ma On Shan Tsuen Road south of its turnaround, except for residents’ vehicles;
– Yiu Sha Road north of its junction with Wu Kai Sha Road roundabout, except for residents’ vehicles; and
– Yiu Sha Road junction with the unnamed road towards To Tau Wan Village direction, except for residents’ vehicles.

     Actual implementation of the traffic arrangements will be made depending on traffic and crowd conditions in the areas. Motorists are advised to exercise tolerance and patience and take heed of instructions of the Police on site.