Special task group appointed to review Hospital Authority’s administrative efficiency


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The Hospital Authority (HA) Administrative Operational Meeting today (March 28) endorsed the establishment of a special task group to review and streamline the HA's administrative efficiency. The HA Chairman, Professor John Leong, said that the special task group aims at reviewing the decision-making process of the HA Board and the involvement of clinicians in management processes at the Head Office and cluster levels.
     The special task group will focus on simplifying the resource bidding process, streamlining meetings of co-ordinating committees and central committees and other management meetings at cluster or hospital levels, and the scope for delegation or streamlining in the decision-making processes of the HA Board and its committees.
     "The HA, as a public organisation, has to ensure effective corporate governance and prudent utilisation of public funds. Meetings are arranged to deliberate strategic and policy discussions and inter-departmental co-ordination. In view of recent concerns expressed by various stakeholders, we hope the review can consolidate some feasible recommendations to streamline the meeting involvements where practicable," Professor Leong said.
     A total of eight HA Board Members have agreed to join the special task group (the full membership list is attached) to be chaired by Professor Leong. The special task group will report progress to the HA Board's Executive Committee.
     HA executives will be in attendance, and staff input will be invited as and when appropriate. The target is to complete the review and submit recommendations to the Board in six to nine months.

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