Special school students join “Let’s Move 2019” Carnival to share fun of sports (with photos)

     The "Let's Move 2019" Carnival and the Launching Ceremony of the School Sports Programme (Special Schools), both organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD), were held at Kowloon Park Sports Centre today (January 24). About 600 students, teachers and accompanying carers from 16 special schools viewed sports demonstrations and joined participation activities to share the fun of sports at the events.
      The LCSD has implemented the School Sports Programme since 2001 to enable students of primary, secondary and special schools to participate in diverse sports activities during their after-school leisure time. The "Let's Move 2019" Carnival was the first large-scale joint school event exclusively organised for special schools' students under the Programme.
     The Convener of the Student Sports Activities Co-ordinating Sub-committee, Professor Patrick Yung, said at the ceremony, "The LCSD allocated additional resources last year to provide a new School Sports Programme (Special Schools) in collaboration with the Hong Kong Special Schools Council, the Hong Kong Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability and the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee and Sports Association for the Physically Disabled. Under the new trial Programme, a series of sports activities has been designed for students with intellectual disability, visual impairment, hearing impairment and physical disability."
     Professor Yung said the new Programme is tailor made to meet the needs of special school students, noting that factors including the operation and environment of special schools as well as the capabilities of the students have been taken into consideration when deciding on the content, progress and arrangements of the activities. Proper equipment will also be provided to assist students taking part. 
     Through the efforts of various government departments, schools, parents and sports associations, more than 100 sports activities with the participation of over 5 000 students from 42 special schools have been organised in the past six months under the new Programme. In total 14 types of sports activities were introduced, including fitness exercise, stretching exercise, snowshoeing and different ball games. By participating in the Programme, the students can enhance their physical and mental health, as well as develop their potential, perseverance and self-confidence, achieving the objective of integration of persons with disabilities and the able-bodied in the community.
     Students from 16 special schools (including schools for intellectual disability, physical disability and hearing impairment) took part in the Carnival today. Various kinds of sports activities suitable for special school students were offered, including floor hockey, bocce and physical fitness. Demonstrations and sharing sessions by Special Olympic Table Tennis Hong Kong Team members were also held. Students also had opportunities to experience activities like windsurfing, basketball, baseball, rugby and table football during the interesting sports participation sessions.
     Co-organised by various national sports associations (NSAs), the School Sports Programme (Special Schools) is conducted in line with the schools' operation so that students can learn more about the different types of sports. The LCSD will continue to strengthen the liaison with special schools and relevant NSAs with a view to further enhancing the content of the School Sports Programme implemented in special schools.

     Other officiating guests at today's ceremony were the Chairperson of the Hong Kong Special Schools Council, Ms Shum Siu-fong; the Chief Leisure Manager (Sports Development) of the LCSD, Mr Siu Yau-kwong; the Chief Curriculum Development Officer (Special Educational Needs) of the Education Bureau, Ms Ivy Wong; the Senior Medical and Health Officer (Health Promotion) of the Department of Health, Dr Amen So; the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Paralympic Committee and Sports Association for the Physically Disabled, Ms Lesley Fung; and the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Sports Association for Persons with Intellectual Disability, Dr Allison Wong.
     For details of the School Sports Programme (Special Schools), please visit www.lcsd.gov.hk/en/ssp/special_school_info/special_school.html.

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