Special arrangements for subvented welfare services and services of Social Welfare Department


     The Government has announced that disease prevention and control measures will be extended or rolled out to further prevent and control the spread of the novel coronavirus. A spokesperson from the Social Welfare Department (SWD) today (February 1) reminded the public of the special arrangements for the welfare services subsidised by the SWD announced earlier.
     Details of the special arrangements are as follows:
(1) All aided child care centres, day care centres for the elderly, sheltered workshops, integrated vocational rehabilitation services centres and day activity centres will suspend delivery of their services. These centres will, however, remain open to serve those in need. Members of the public who have the need for the services mentioned may contact the centres or service units concerned in advance.
(2) Apart from (a) and (j) which are provided as normal, the other services will be provided on a limited scale:
a. All residential care services;
b. Integrated Family Service Centres (only providing casework service);
c. Integrated Services Centres (only providing casework service);
d. Short-term Food Assistance Service;
e. Integrated Home Care Services (only providing meals, escort, nursing and administration of medicine services);
f. Enhanced Home and Community Care Services (only providing meals, escort, nursing and administration of medicine services);
g. Home Care Service for Persons with Severe Disabilities (only providing escort, nursing and administration of medicine services);
h. Integrated Support Service for Persons with Severe Physical Disabilities (only providing escort, nursing and administration of medicine services);
i. Visiting Medical Practitioner Service for Residential Care Homes;
j. Hotline services; and
k. Humanitarian Assistance for Non-refoulement Claimants.
(3) For other services not covered by (1) and (2) above, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) operating these services may decide whether to continue to provide them under their respective Funding and Service Agreements having regard to their circumstances.
     These arrangements should continue up to and including February 16 unless amended earlier. NGOs should keep their clients informed of their specific arrangements.
     Regarding the SWD's own services, while departmental hotline services and services of Tuen Mun Children and Juvenile Home will remain normal, other services such as Integrated Family Service Centres and Social Security Field Units, will only be provided on a limited scale (e.g., groups and programmes, and extended hours service, will be suspended). Members of the public may call the hotline number 2343 2255 for enquiries.

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