SNP’s ‘radical’ relaunch doesn’t include a single new policy

11 Jul 2017


Ideas set out by the SNP for a “radical” relaunch of government in the autumn don’t contain a single new idea, it has emerged.

It was reported this morning that, having been rattled by allegations of neglecting the “day job”, ministers are keen to set out fresh proposals once Holyrood returns after recess.

However, none of the ideas briefed to the media are new, with all of them having either been included in SNP manifestos or already set out formally as Scottish Government policy.

That includes handing communities more power in a shake-up of local government, a “new approach” to climate change, supporting manufacturers by boosting exports, and a project to encourage women back to work from maternity leave.

The Scottish Conservatives said the reheated proposals showed the SNP was a government all out of ideas, and paying the price for focusing on one single issue for so long.

Scottish Conservative shadow economy secretary Dean Lockhart said:

“These are ideas we’ve heard before from the SNP – there literally isn’t a new proposal in there.

“That’s not the radical relaunch bragged about by SNP insiders.

“It’s indicative of a tired government which has run out of inspiration and ideas.

“Indeed, the only other ‘new policies’ to be announced recently by the SNP have in fact been copied from the Scottish Conservative manifesto, including the announcement of a new enterprise agency for the south of Scotland and education reforms.

“And that’s no surprise – for years all ministers have cared about is breaking up Britain, and that’s come at the expense of areas like health, education and the economy.

“That’s why no-one will believe the nationalists when they say they’re now focused on the day job.

“Simply rehashing policies already announced will convince no-one that this is a party fit to govern Scotland.”