SNP’s 18 months of failure in Glasgow

27 Oct 2018


The SNP’s first 18 months running Scotland’s biggest council has been branded an “abject failure” by the Scottish Conservatives.

Using his first major speech as interim leader, Jackson Carlaw will tell blast the nationalists’ performance at the party’s West Region conference on Saturday.

He will identify a series of problems which the SNP administration has either created or failed to deal with, a year-and-a-half on from the local government elections.

Nationalist councillors have been criticised for failing to respond to the needs of businesses and residents following two major fires in the city centre.

The decision to ferry round senior councillors in a “show-stopping” Rolls Royce while cutting access to public services will be highlighted.

And Jackson will point out that the price of nursery provision has rocketed, while free access to swimming pools has been scrapped for children and pensioners.

He will also bring up the case of senior SNP figures in the city interfering to stop the creation of a “fan zone” at Ibrox stadium.

Scottish Conservative interim leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“The SNP won power in Glasgow and immediately claimed it would change things for the better, even having the temerity to rebrand itself as a ‘city government’.

“But as we approach the 18-month milestone, it’s clear the SNP’s reign up to now has been an abject failure.

“Access to services have been slashed, the cost of nursery provision increased and rubbish has been allowed to mount up on the street.

“All the while, senior nationalist councillors are being ferried around in a show-stopping Rolls Royce.

“Just like everything with the SNP, a host of warm-worded statements have been followed by inaction and disappointment.

“The people of Glasgow are now experiencing what those in other SNP-run administrations have endured for years.”