SNP yet to spend a single penny of digital growth fund


17 Jun 2018


The SNP has yet to invest a single penny of its trumpeted Digital Growth Fund, more than a year after it was announced at the party’s conference.

In March 2017, Nicola Sturgeon told nationalist delegates that her government would set up the £36 million fund to “meet the upfront costs of digital skills training”.

However, following a parliamentary question from Scottish Conservative MSP Rachael Hamilton, ministers admitted no money has yet been delivered.

Economy secretary Keith Brown stated: “No loans have been issued as of yet.”

He added that the first phase – £2 million worth of loans – were due to be allocated at some point in June, but failed to detail exactly when.

The SNP’s failure to deliver cash follows controversy over its Scottish Growth Scheme, which has so far handed out just £25 million in two years, considerably less than the £500 million pledged.

Scottish Conservative MSP Rachael Hamilton said:

“This is just another example of the SNP setting out investment plans to grab the headlines, then failing when it comes to delivery.

“Scotland’s digital skills sector will have been encouraged by this announcement but, more than a year on, are yet to see a penny.

“The SNP government needs to explain what has happened to this cash, and why it’s taking so long to reach its destination.

“Tens of millions of pounds would go a long way to helping turn around Scotland’s economy, and would also help the nationalists shed the reputation of being an anti-business government.

“Instead, another promise has been broken, and companies in need of support continue to suffer.”

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