SNP warned not to ‘sow division’ on Brexit

19 Sep 2017


The SNP has been warned not to “sow division” on Brexit after Nicola Sturgeon teamed up with the Welsh First Minister in seeking changes to the process.

Both she and Carwyn Jones today repeated their claim that the EU Withdrawal Bill is “a power grab”.

However, the Scottish Conservatives have said the SNP has tried to use Brexit as a way of furthering its own independence agenda, and urged the nationalists to take a different tack.

Last week, deputy leader Jackson Carlaw said the party would work with the SNP to come up with a Legislative Consent Motion everyone was happy with.

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Jackson Carlaw said:

“This list simply sets out the policy areas currently controlled by the European Union that are coming back to the UK.

“Some will be best controlled by Holyrood, and it may be beneficial to have different approaches across the UK.

“Other areas should be left at a UK level so we don’t fracture the UK internal market.

“The test is simple. Let’s devolve what we can, but keep UK rules where necessary.

“That way we can ensure powers lie as close as possible to people while keeping the benefits to Scotland of one UK market.

“Unfortunately, the SNP’s record on Brexit over the last year has been to sow division and use it to push for a second referendum.

“We genuinely hope there is now an opportunity for a fresh start.

“With a reasonable approach from the Scottish Government, we can work together to both strengthen devolution and to keep the benefits of our own UK.

“As we set out last week, we have undertaken to listen to the Scottish Government’s concerns over the Repeal Bill and we will continue that process over the coming days and weeks.”