SNP urged to act after businesses hit by licensing change


27 Feb 2017

Jamie Greene

The Scottish Conservatives are demanding the SNP to start providing the necessary support to the businesses across Scotland who have been negatively affected by the Air Weapons and Licensing Act (AWLA).

The act was implemented last year despite the Scottish Conservatives voting against it.

It has recently emerged that as a result of the SNP’s legislation many businesses face an uncertain future, particularly in the private car hire industry, many of whom have voiced concern.

Wedding car operators are just one of the industries sucker-punched by the AWLA provisions.

Many of them are being forced to pay the large cash sums in order to pay for the licenses that are needed to meet the additional costs.

The unfair regulations saw West of Scotland MSP Jamie Greene echo the worries of the affected businesses to Nicola Sturgeon during last week’s First Minister’s Questions.

Mr Greene asked the First Minister: “What action is being done to mitigate the impact that their Weapons and Licensing Act is having on industries?”

Ms Sturgeon replied: “With any piece of legislation it’s vital that we strike the right balance between the legislation doing what it is intended to do without putting unnecessary burdens on business or anyone else.”

Mr Greene’s question was not the first time he had brought the issue to the SNP’s attention, and he is now demanding that the SNP provides the support needed for the businesses hit.

Scottish Conservative West MSP Jamie Greene said:

“The SNP simply has to start providing solutions and answers for these many businesses affected.

“Despite numerous attempts to reach out to the SNP I have yet to receive any real clarity on the matter.

“During First Minister’s Questions I brought to light the story of one of my constituents, Mr Brian Jay of Saltcoats.

“Mr Jay owns and runs ‘Jay’s Luxury Wedding Cars’ and as a result of this act risks having to shut the private hire part of his business.

“The SNP needs to find a way to address the issues business face as a result of the Air Weapons and Licensing Act, and provide some clarity for the likes of Mr Jay and many other businesses across Scotland.

“The uncertainty is already damaging confidence in the industry.

“It’s vital that the SNP outline what assessments they will be undertaking on individual operators and set out a clear time frame for doing so.”

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