Smooth arrival of first batch of COVID-19 vaccines in Hong Kong (with video)

     The first batch of COVID-19 vaccines is delivered smoothly to Hong Kong this afternoon (February 19), marking the beginning of a new stage in Hong Kong's fight against the COVID-19 epidemic. The delivery also has a significant meaning in reducing the impact of the disease on the society, economy and people's livelihood. 

     After the arrival of the first batch of 1 million doses of Sinovac vaccine, developed and produced by the Mainland, in Hong Kong, working staff immediately carried out stringent checking and inspection on the vaccines to ensure that they comply with the product specifications and their transportation process follows the cold-chain requirements.

     The Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, and the Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, went to the Hong Kong International Airport to inspect the arrival of the first batch of COVID-19 vaccines in Hong Kong.

     A Government spokesman said, "Vaccination has brought hope to the world and is the light for controlling the epidemic and restoring people's normal lives. Against the background of the huge demand for, and shortage of vaccines, worldwide, the prompt and smooth arrival of Sinovac vaccines to Hong Kong will help Hong Kong kick-start the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme so that people can receive vaccinations early to reduce the spread of the virus in the community. We are grateful for the support of the Central Government and the country's health authorities."

     People belonging to the priority groups for vaccination may make appointments online from next Tuesday (February 23) to receive the Sinovac vaccine at five Community Vaccination Centres (CVCs) and the general out-patient clinics of the Hospital Authority starting from February 26. Private doctors participating in the vaccination programme will also administer the Sinovac vaccine for the public before mid-March.

     Members of the public may visit the designated website,, to learn more about the COVID-19 vaccines and to make appointments for vaccinations via the round-the-clock booking system. Receiving a vaccination early can protect oneself and others, which will help Hong Kong win the battle against the epidemic as soon as possible.