Smart Government Innovation Lab holds first technology forum (with photos)

     The Smart Government Innovation Lab (Smart LAB) under the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) held its first technology forum today (June 26), under the theme "Smart City Infrastructure". The forum, organised in collaboration with Cyberport and the Hong Kong Science Park, attracted over 230 participants from government departments and the IT sector.
     To be conducted at quarterly intervals, these technology forums aim to connect the service needs of individual departments with quality solutions from the IT sector. A total of 14 companies focusing on networking technology and biometric technology joined today's forum at Cyberport and presented their solutions and products – in an exhibition and on stage – to help government departments grasp the latest trends. A representative from the Architectural Services Department shared details of the department's experience in adopting innovative information technologies for service improvement and their way forward in engaging technology in services. The OGCIO also briefed the audience on the Government's pro-innovation procurement policy to enlighten the industry on the operational procedures of government departments.
     The Under Secretary for Innovation and Technology, Dr David Chung, said in his opening address that the new government procurement policy gives quality solutions with innovative suggestions a better chance of success. In alignment with this new policy, the Smart LAB was established to actively connect government departments with the IT sector, so as to foster close partnerships and inspire more novel innovation and technology (I&T) ideas which are conducive to building a strong and vibrant I&T ecosystem in Hong Kong.
     The next forum is themed "Intelligent Transport System and Traffic Management" and will be held on September 25 at the Hong Kong Science Park.

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