Six more persons convicted for illegal disposal of waste

     Six persons involved in five cases of illegal disposal of waste in Kwai Chung, North District and Yuen Long were convicted and fined a total of $24,500 at the Fanling Magistrates' Courts today (April 9) for contravening the Waste Disposal Ordinance (WDO) or the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation. These are successful convictions against illegal disposal of waste based on information and evidence gathered through various channels following five successful prosecutions of the same kind brought about by the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) last Tuesday (April 2).

     In September and October last year, the EPD successfully traced two drivers, two owners of goods vehicles and one person who illegally disposed of commercial and industrial (C&I) waste as well as construction waste in a public place in Tsiu Keng Lo Wai in North District, Kwai Hei Street in Kwai Chung and an area adjacent to the refuse collection point in San Sang Tsuen in Yuen Long based on videos and photos from members of the public, the surveillance camera system installed by the EPD and referrals from the relevant department. The waste illegally dumped included wooden furniture, mattresses, waste paper and construction waste. In addition, during a proactive inspection, the EPD successfully intercepted a responsible person of works illegally disposing of construction waste at a private lot on Lin Ma Hang Road in North District without the valid permission from the land owner. After collecting evidence, the EPD prosecuted the six persons involved in the five cases under the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation or the WDO.

     A spokesman for the EPD reminded all members of the renovation, construction and transportation sectors, including persons-in-charge of construction sites, workers and drivers as well as owners of goods vehicles, that they must properly deliver construction waste and C&I waste to the government waste management facilities in accordance with the law. It is unlawful to dispose of waste in public places or on the roadside. Under the WDO, first-time offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $200,000 and six months' imprisonment. A maximum fine of $500,000 and six months' imprisonment may be imposed on second or subsequent convictions. According to the Public Cleansing and Prevention of Nuisances Regulation, it is an offense to dispose of waste on the streets or in public places from vehicles, including goods vehicles, private cars and motorcycles. The registered owner may be prosecuted. First-time offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $25,000 and six months' imprisonment.

     The spokesman urged members of the public to make a report to the department if they witness any illegal disposal of waste. They can record videos or take photos and call the EPD hotline at 2838 3111.