SITI attends World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit (with photos)

     The Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Professor Sun Dong, began his visit in Zhejiang today (November 8).

     In the morning, Professor Sun attended the opening ceremony and plenary session of the 2023 World Internet Conference Wuzhen Summit in Wuzhen, Zhejiang. This year marks the tenth anniversary of the Conference, with President Xi Jinping delivering a video speech at the opening ceremony. The Summit, with the theme "Creating an Inclusive and Resilient Digital World Beneficial to All — Building a Community with a Shared Future in Cyberspace", is hosted by the World Internet Conference and undertaken by the People's Government of Zhejiang Province.

     In the afternoon, Professor Sun travelled to Hangzhou, where he conducted a study on the Hangzhou Headquarters of H3C, a subsidiary of Unisplendour Corporation Limited, by visiting the headquarters’ future factory and innovation experience centre. He learned more about the enterprise's development in smart production, generative artificial intelligence (AI), smart solutions and digital infrastructure, as well as the enterprise’s achievement in facilitating digital transformation for different industries.
     He then visited the Alibaba Cloud Valley Park, where he was briefed by the park’s management on the business plan of the park, and the latest developments in cloud computing infrastructure and operating systems, data management and services, as well as AI systems. He also observed demonstrations of the Large-scale AI Model, smart city and smart public service.

     The Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Tony Wong, also joined the visit programme today.

     Professor Sun will attend and deliver an opening speech at the Cross-Strait, Hong Kong and Macao Internet Development Forum of the Summit tomorrow (November 9). He will return to Hong Kong in the afternoon on the same day.

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