SIE Fund invites proposals for provision of intermediary services to design and administer innovative programmes

     The Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund (SIE Fund) Task Force announced today (January 17) the invitation of proposals from interested parties to take up the role of intermediaries to design and administer innovative programmes under the Fund.

     Upon the near completion of service by the first batch of intermediaries appointed in 2015, the SIE Fund plans to appoint a second batch of intermediaries in the latter half of 2019 to sustain the momentum successfully created within the social innovation space and facilitate further development and enhancement of the ecosystem. Interested parties are invited to submit proposals for innovative programmes. Multiple intermediaries will be engaged to nurture and incubate social innovators or ventures of different forms and at different stages of development with innovation, diversity and impact.

     The current invitation seeks to invite proposals for one of the SIE funding priorities, i.e. innovative programmes, only. Invitation for proposals for acting as intermediaries to take forward the other two priority areas of work, namely capacity building and research, will be issued in the coming months.

     An invitation brief setting out the scope of services, the eligibility and submission requirements, the assessment process and the selection criteria, as well as key engagement terms, is available for download at the SIE Fund website ( Proposals should be submitted by 6pm on March 28. For further information and inquiries, please visit the SIE Fund website or contact the SIE Fund Task Force Secretariat at 2165 7389.

     The SIE Fund was inaugurated in 2013 as a catalyst for social innovation in Hong Kong. The SIE Fund collaborates with different sectors, including businesses, non-governmental organisations, academics and philanthropies, to create social impact through innovative solutions that address poverty and social exclusion and seeks to foster the well-being and cohesion of society. The Fund provides visionary individuals and organisations with diverse resources in support of research, capacity building and the entire life cycle of innovative ventures, from idea incubation and seed funding to implementation and eventual scale-up.