Sharon Hodgson responds to proposed sugar limits published by Public Health England


Sharon Hodgson MP, Labour’s Shadow Health
to proposed sugar limits published by Public Health England, said:

“Labour supports action to tackle sugar
consumption and with the refresh of the Five Year Forward View published this
week there is a chance to set a really radical approach to obesity and
children’s health. It should be a matter of shame that obesity affects so many
children in the UK and that the circumstances of where you grow up can have
such a long term effect on your health outcomes.

“There is clear clinical and public
support for measures like sugar taxes which promote healthier living and can
keep people fit and well for the years to come.

“Theresa May watered down the
Government’s childhood obesity strategy but should be much bolder in supporting
radical public health measures. Too often the Prime Minister seems happy to
settle for second best for the nation’s wellbeing when she ought to position
Britain at the front of the global drive for better public health.”

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