Sharing session promoting collaboration in overseas Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones held today (with photos)

     The Belt and Road Office of the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau (CEDB) and the Commercial Office of the Economic Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government (CPGLO) in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) are jointly organising two webinars on business development in five Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones (ETCZs) located in four countries this month. For Hong Kong enterprises which are interested in expanding their businesses in the ETCZs, the webinars will enhance their understanding of prevailing local investment policies, facilities and supporting services, as well as preferential terms of the ETCZs concerned. Hong Kong enterprises are encouraged to make the most of the Belt and Road Initiative by capitalising on the ETCZs.
     The first sharing session was held today (June 15) to introduce the Malaysia-China Kuantan Industrial Park in Malaysia and the Thai-Chinese Rayong Industrial Zone in Thailand. The Commissioner for Belt and Road from the CEDB, Dr Denis Yip, and the Deputy Director-General of the Economic Affairs Department and Head of the Commercial Office of the CPGLO in the HKSAR, Mr Liu Yajun, spoke at the webinar. Around 400 people have registered to participate.
     Dr Denis Yip pointed out that many enterprises had been re-examining their modes of operation and production, and creating new business opportunities through investment in or development of overseas markets and production bases in the face of external challenges brought by the uncertainties in the global economy and geopolitical changes. The Mainland's overseas ETCZs provide enterprises with an ideal entry point to the Belt and Road.
     He added that the five ETCZs identified in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and Cambodia could represent a better fit for Hong Kong enterprises. The CEDB has been discussing with the Ministry of Commerce on possible facilitation measures for Hong Kong enterprises, and on how to help them develop their businesses in the ETCZs on a pilot basis.
     At today's webinar, the Deputy Director General of the Department of Outward Investment and Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Commerce, Mr Li Yongjun, introduced the overall situation of overseas ETCZs. The Minister Counsellor of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Malaysia, Ms Zhang Peidong, and the Minister Counsellor of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Kingdom of Thailand, Mr Wang Liping, introduced the investment environment and industrial development situation of the two places respectively. The management of the two ETCZs briefed the participants on the state of play of the relevant zones, and representatives of enterprises from those ETCZs shared their local investment experiences. The speakers also interacted with the webinar participants.
     The second webinar will be held next Tuesday (June 22) to introduce the three ETCZs in Indonesia and Cambodia.

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