SFST visits community testing centre at City Hall (with photos)


     The Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, Mr Christopher Hui, visited the community testing centre at City Hall today (September 8) to learn about its operation as the Universal Community Testing Programme (UCTP) begins its extended period, and give encouragement to the healthcare personnel and staff members working there.
     To cut the transmission chain of COVID-19 in the community, the Government launched the UCTP on September 1 to provide a one-off free virus testing service for all citizens so as to identify asymptomatic COVID-19 patients as early as possible. The Government has since decided to extend the UCTP for four days to September 11.
     On the first day of the extension period of the UCTP, Mr Hui was briefed on the workflow and manpower allocation of the centre, as well as the infection control and social distancing measures implemented. He also chatted with staff members and thanked them for their participation in the UCTP to fight the virus together with the community.
     He said that the UCTP could help Hong Kong further curb the epidemic and better prepare for the situations that might arise, in turn enabling people's lives and social and economic activities to return to normal gradually.
     Mr Hui appealed to members of the public to take the opportunity to participate in the UCTP while the various community testing centres will continue to provide voluntary testing for all citizens as far as possible.
     Details of the UCTP are available on the dedicated website www.communitytest.gov.hk.

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