SFH inspects Treatment Centre for COVID-19 (AWE) (with photos)

     The Secretary for Food and Health, Professor Sophia Chan, inspected the Treatment Centre for COVID-19 (AsiaWorld-Expo) today (April 18) to learn about the treatment and nursing care for COVID-19 patients by the medical staff in the Centre and exchange views with the Mainland medical support team.

     Accompanied by the Chief Executive of the Hospital Authority (HA), Dr Tony Ko, and the leader of the Mainland medical support team, Professor Chong Yutian, Professor Chan first toured the central control room where she received a briefing by the HA staff on the daily operation of the Centre. She then exchanged views with the members of the Mainland medical support team to gain a better grasp of their treatment for COVID-19 patients.

     Upon arriving in Hong Kong in mid-March, the medical support team formed by Mainland professional medical personnel of various disciplines immediately joined the HA's team to help treat COVID-19 patients in the Centre.

     Professor Chan said, "I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the Central Authorities and the Guangdong Provincial Government for sending the medical support team to Hong Kong to enhance our anti-epidemic work on reducing severe cases and deaths. The Mainland medical support team has helped strengthen the Centre's admission capacity for COVID-19 patients, service scale and quality of care within a short period of time. This has benefitted the public directly.

     "Furthermore, the Mainland medical support team also offers treatment with integrated Chinese and Western medicines at the Centre. In the fight against the epidemic, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has always been actively promoting a wider application of Chinese medicine, including supporting the HA to provide Chinese medicine treatment service for COVID-19 in-patients and those in recovery."

     Professor Chan was pleased to learn that Hong Kong medical staff and the Mainland medical support team have co-operated closely and co-ordinated well in the Centre to treat COVID-19 patients in a concerted manner.

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