Service suspension of community testing centre at Tai Wo Sports Centre in Tai Po


     The Food and Health Bureau (FHB) announced today (December 20) that the services at the community testing centre (CTC) at Tai Wo Sports Centre in Tai Po are suspended for investigative work on a suspected burglary. Members of the public who need to undergo COVID-19 nucleic acid testing may go to other CTCs or mobile specimen collection stations.
     The FHB was notified this morning that the CTC at Tai Wo Sports Centre in Tai Po sustained a suspected burglary last night (December 19). The Police are conducting an investigation into the incident, which involves loss of property relevant to testing, including notebook computers used for registration. A spokesman for the FHB emphasised that the notebook computers concerned access data via a network, and no personal information is required to be saved in the computers under normal circumstances. They are also protected with security measures to prevent unauthorised persons from starting up the computers and downloading any information by accessing the relevant network.
     The FHB is in discussion with the contractor concerned to understand the details of the incident and follow up. Once the CTC is reopened, it will resume public services as soon as possible. Persons who need to receive testing may visit the other 18 CTCs or mobile specimen collection stations ( to receive testing services.

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