Senior Tories want to use Brexit to rip up workers’ rights – Rebecca Long-Bailey


Long-Bailey MP, Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Energy and
Industrial Strategy,
commenting on reports today that Brexit ministers urge
Theresa May to scrap EU working directive, said:

“This yet more
evidence that senior Tories, including Boris Johnson and Michael Gove, want to
use Brexit as an excuse to rip up workers’ rights.

“Theresa May
must publicly reject this approach and condemn it in this week’s Cabinet
meeting. If she fails to do so then she will have turned her back on
British workers. The directive offers protection to millions of workers who
without it will be vulnerable to exploitation from unscrupulous employers.

“It is becoming
increasingly clear that a Conservative Brexit will weaken workers’ rights,
deregulate the economy and slash corporate taxes. Labour will protect workers’
rights and ensure that everyone gets a fair deal at work.”


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