Senior appointments (with photos)


     The Government announced today (March 8) the following senior appointments:
(a) Mr Tony Yau Kwok-ting, Director of Water Supplies, will take up the post of Director of Highways on March 22, 2024, when Mr Chan Pai-ming commences his pre-retirement leave;
(b) Mr Roger Wong Yan-lok, Principal Government Engineer, will succeed Mr Yau as Director of Water Supplies on March 22, 2024;
(c) Mr Poon Kwok-ying, Deputy Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, will take up the post of Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services on March 31, 2024, when Mr Pang Yiu-hung commences his pre-retirement leave; and
(d) Ms Carol Yuen Siu-wai, former Director of Marine, has proceeded on pre-retirement leave on March 2, 2024. Mr Wong Sai-fat, Deputy Director of Marine, is currently acting Director of Marine.
     Commenting on the appointments of Mr Yau, Mr Wong and Mr Poon, the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mrs Ingrid Yeung, said, "The three appointees have proven leadership and management skills, as well as profound professional knowledge. I am confident that they will be able to lead the respective departments to meet the challenges ahead and continue to deliver quality services to the community."
     On the retirement of Mr Chan and Mr Pang, Mrs Yeung said, "Mr Chan has served with professionalism and dedication in the civil service throughout the past 32 years. As Director of Highways, Mr Chan has overseen the completion of major highways and railway projects and steered the implementation of cross-boundary railway projects, enhancing Hong Kong's transport infrastructure network. Mr Pang has served with professionalism and commitment in the civil service throughout the past 35 years. As Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, Mr Pang has led the department to face many challenges and to excel in providing quality electrical and mechanical engineering services to the community and ensuring that electrical, mechanical and energy technologies are harnessed in a safe, reliable, economical and environment-friendly manner. I wish them a fulfilling and happy retirement."
     On the retirement of Ms Yuen, who has proceeded on pre-retirement leave, Mrs Yeung said, "Ms Yuen has rendered over 37 years of loyal and dedicated service. During her tenure as Director of Marine, Ms Yuen led the Marine Department in the implementation of various new initiatives, and made valuable contribution to enhancing navigational safety, ensuring efficient operation of the port and promoting Hong Kong as an international maritime centre. She also played an instrumental role in the formulation of the Action Plan on Maritime and Port Development Strategy. I wish her a fulfilling and happy retirement."
     Brief biographical notes of the six officers are set out below:
Mr Chan Pai-ming
     Mr Chan joined the Government as an Engineer in October 1991. He was promoted to Chief Engineer in August 2009, to Government Engineer in April 2012 and to Principal Government Engineer in May 2015. He has been the Director of Highways since December 2018.
Mr Pang Yiu-hung
     Mr Pang joined the Government as an Assistant Electrical and Mechanical Engineer in October 1988. He was promoted to Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer in January 2009, to Government Electrical and Mechanical Engineer in April 2015 and to Deputy Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services in September 2018. He has been the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services since November 2020.
Mr Tony Yau Kwok-ting
     Mr Yau joined the Government as an Engineer in October 1998. He was promoted to Chief Engineer in October 2017, to Government Engineer in July 2019, and to Principal Government Engineer in June 2021. He has been the Director of Water Supplies since January 2023.
Mr Roger Wong Yan-lok
     Mr Wong joined the Government as an Assistant Engineer in August 1995. He was promoted to Chief Engineer in September 2016, to Government Engineer in July 2019, and to Principal Government Engineer in June 2022.
Mr Poon Kwok-ying
     Mr Poon joined the Government as an Assistant Electronics Engineer in September 1994. He was promoted to Chief Electronics Engineer in December 2013, to Government Electrical and Mechanical Engineer in September 2018 and to Deputy Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services in August 2021.
Ms Carol Yuen Siu-wai
     Ms Yuen joined the Government in June 1986 as a Chinese Language Officer. She later joined the Administrative Service in June 1988 and rose to the rank of Administrative Officer Staff Grade B1 in April 2014. She has served in various bureaux and departments, including the former Royal Hong Kong Police Force, the former City and New Territories Administration, the former Planning, Environment and Lands Branch, the former Education and Manpower Branch, the Civil Service Bureau, the Trade and Industry Department, the Security Bureau and the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau. She was Deputy Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury (Treasury) from October 2016 to July 2019, Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Communication and Creative Industries) from May 2020 to January 2021, and Director of Marine from February 2021 to March 2024.

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