Senior appointments (with photos)

     The Government announced today (November 3) the following senior appointments:
(a) Mr Lo Kwok-wah, Director of Drainage Services, will take up the post of Director of Water Supplies on November 4, 2020, when Mr Wong Chung-leung commences his pre-retirement leave;
(b) Ms Alice Pang, Principal Government Engineer, will succeed Mr Lo as Director of Drainage Services on November 4, 2020; and
(c) Mr Pang Yiu-hung, Deputy Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, will take up the post of Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services on November 4, 2020.
     Commenting on the appointments of Mr Lo, Ms Pang and Mr Pang, the Secretary for the Civil Service, Mr Patrick Nip, said, "The three appointees have proven leadership and management skills, as well as profound professional knowledge. I am confident that they will be able to lead the respective departments to meet the challenges ahead and continue to deliver quality services to the community."
     On the retirement of Mr Wong, Mr Nip said, "Mr Wong has served with zeal and professionalism in the civil service throughout the past 31 years. As Director of Water Supplies, Mr Wong has led the department to face many challenges and to excel in the provision of reliable, adequate and quality water services. I wish him a fulfilling and happy retirement."
     Brief biographical notes of the four officers are set out below:

Mr Wong Chung-leung
     Mr Wong joined the Government as Engineer in June 1989 and was promoted to Chief Engineer in July 2009, to Assistant Director of Water Supplies in May 2013 and to Deputy Director of Water Supplies in October 2015 before being appointed as Director of Water Supplies in December 2017.
Mr Lo Kwok-wah
     Mr Lo joined the Government as Assistant Engineer in September 1988. He was promoted to Chief Engineer in September 2010, to Government Engineer in June 2014 and to Principal Government Engineer in June 2016. He has been the Director of Drainage Services since February 2019.
Ms Alice Pang

     Ms Pang joined the Government as Assistant Engineer in September 1990. She was promoted to Chief Engineer in September 2011, to Government Engineer in July 2015 and to Principal Government Engineer in June 2017.
Mr Pang Yiu-hung
     Mr Pang joined the Government as Assistant Electrical and Mechanical Engineer in October 1988. He was promoted to Chief Electrical and Mechanical Engineer in January 2009, to Government Electrical and Mechanical Engineer in April 2015 and to Deputy Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services in September 2018.

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