Senior appointment in Police Force (with photo)


     Approval has been given for the appointment of the Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mr Tang Ping-keung, as Deputy Commissioner of Police with effect from November 24, 2018, upon the retirement of Deputy Commissioner (Operations), Mr Lau Yip-shing.

     Brief biographical notes on Mr Tang Ping-keung are set out below:

     Mr Tang, 53 years old, joined the Hong Kong Police as an Inspector in 1987. He has wealth of experience in criminal investigation, international liaison as well as operational command. Between 2006 and 2008, he was seconded to INTERPOL General Secretariat in Lyon, France as a Specialised Officer. Subsequently, he was promoted in the organisation as the Head of Criminal Organisation and Violent Crime Unit.

     He was promoted to Senior Superintendent in 2007 and Chief Superintendent in 2012.  In 2015, he was promoted to Assistant Commissioner of Police and discharged duties as the Regional Commander, Hong Kong Island, and Assistant Commissioner, Personnel. In 2017, he was promoted to the rank of Senior Assistant Commissioner and appointed as Director of Operations.


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