SEN visits North District

     The Secretary for the Environment, Mr Wong Kam-sing, visited North District this afternoon (February 28) to learn more about the implementation of the municipal solid waste (MSW) charging trial project at Ka Fuk Estate. He also called at the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups (HKFYG) Leadership Institute and exchanged views with members of North District Council (NDC) on environmental issues.

     Accompanied by the Chairman of NDC, Mr So Sai-chi, and the District Officer (North), Mr Chong Wing-wun, Mr Wong first paid a visit to the NDC to listen to members' views on the Government's environmental policies and exchange views on district environmental issues.

     Mr Wong then went to Ka Fuk Estate, Fanling, to learn about the trial implementation of MSW charging under actual circumstances and tour the waste reduction and recycling facilities of the estate. Ka Fuk Estate is one of the public housing estates participating in the trial project which commenced last November. The Environmental Protection Department stepped up education and publicity efforts at the estate by briefing the residents on MSW charging and distributing simulated designated garbage bags to give them hands-on experience and better prepare them for the implementation of MSW charging. Mr Wong inspected the collection and handling of garbage bags at the estate and chatted with residents participating in the trial project about their experience of practising waste reduction at source and clean recycling in the community.

     Mr Wong said the Government will continue to roll out extensive public education, publicity and engagement drives to enhance public awareness of and identification with MSW charging and work closely with various stakeholders to prepare for its implementation.

     Before concluding his visit, Mr Wong went to the HKFYG Leadership Institute. Located at the Former Fanling Magistracy, the institute is one of the projects under Batch III of the Revitalising Historic Buildings Through Partnership Scheme. Mr Wong exchanged views with youths at the institute, and encouraged them to walk the talk by practising waste and carbon reduction in their daily lives, as well as promoting the message of "use less, waste less" with a view to joining together in combating climate change.